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陈 凯

作者: 时间:2021-12-27 浏览次数:

职 称:讲师

学 历:博士




陈凯,男,中共党员,华中农业大学博士,讲师。博士期间主要研究方向为园艺产品采后贮藏防腐保鲜,主要研究柑橘果实采后真菌病害及其生物防治,涉及柑橘青绿霉病害的致病机理、病原菌特异性检测、生防酵母的生防机理、全基因组测序和生信分析、生防细菌的生防机制。近几年,先后在Phytopathology, European Journal of Plant Pathology, BMC genomics等国际知名SCI杂志上发表论文9篇(含2区以上论文3篇)。2017年7月进入武汉生物工程学院工作,任专任教师,主讲《植物学》、《园艺产品加工学》、《园艺植物病虫害》、《城市生态学》、《草坪学》等课程及相应的实践实验课。


[1] 魔芋超强吸水剂(KSAP)降温保润性能的研究及其在卷烟中的应用,湖北工业大学博士启动项目(BSQD2019035),2019.06-2021.05,主持,在研。

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31672205,柑橘采后绿霉菌的致病机理解析,2017.01-2020.12,65万,在研,参与。



[1]Chen K, Yang XP, Zheng F, Long CA. Genome sequencing and analysis of Kloeckera apiculata strain 34-9, a biocontrol agent against postharvest pathogens in citrus. Genes & Genomics 2017, 39(1), 87-99.

[2]Chen K, Tian ZH, Wang L, Long CA. Development of specific primers based on genomes of Penicillium spp. to detect Penicillium digitatum rapidly among fungal isolates in citrus. European Journal of Plant Pathology 2017, 149(1): 201-209.

[3]Chen K, Tian ZH, Luo Y, Cheng YJ, Long CA. Antagonistic activity and mechanism of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens DH-4 against citrus green mold. Phytopathology 2018, 108(11):1253-1262.

[4]Chen K, Tian ZH, Jiang FT, Cheng YJ, Long CA. The Shared and Specific Genes and a Comparative Genomics Analysis within Three Hanseniaspora Strains. International Journal of Genomics, 2019,ID 7910865, 6 pages.

[5]Chen K, Tian ZH, Jiang FT, Long CA. (2019). Development of Penicillium italicum-Specific Primers for Rapid Detection among Fungal Isolates in Citrus. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology. 29 (6): 984-988.

[6]Tian ZH, Chen CW, Chen K, Liu P, Fan QJ, Zhao J, Long CA. (2019). Biocontrol and the mechanisms of Bacillus sp. w176 against postharvest green mold in citrus. Postharvest Biology and Technology. (Accept)

[7]Liu P, Chen K, Li GF, Yang XP, Long CA. Comparative transcriptional profiling of orange fruit in response to the biocontrol yeast Kloeckera apiculata and its active compounds. BMC genomics 2016, 17(1): 1.

[8]Liu P, Cheng YJ, Yang M, Liu YJ, Chen K, Long CA, Deng XX. Mechanisms of action for 2-phenylethanol isolated from Kloeckera apiculata in control of Penicillium molds of citrus fruits. BMC microbiology 2014, 14(1): 242.

[9]Liu P, Fang JF, Chen K, Long CA, Cheng YJ. Phenylethanol promotes adhesion and biofilm formation of the antagonistic yeast Kloeckera apiculata for the control of blue mold on citrus. FEMS yeast research 2014, 14(4): 536-546.



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